How are you? Ça va?

I was thinking it’s time to upgrade my ol pal from being an ordinary teenage blog to become a link between YOU and ME now when I am in Rennes, living the dream as an Erasmus student. And since I am so increadible international at the moment, I will do this in (what I would like to call) English. Allthough those of you who know better wouldn’t. Hey, be glad I am not doing it in my kind of French!

So what’s this dream about? Let me illustrate:


You’ve seen it before, and I think we both know it by now… It is mostly about being a panda.


But also pandas has to eat and drink. Here in Rennes, the capial of Brittany, people eat galettes (like crêpes but more foodish) and drink cider. Not our lovely Swedish sweet Somersby cider. No this taste like would I imagine cat pee would taste like. I’m getting used to it though. Eh, well, not to cat pee.


Pandas need to amuse themselves. The Erasmus dream is 90% amuse-yourself-as-much-as-you-can. Amuse-toi, they call it. And as this premier post has an animal theme, I show you one of my friends friend, Dinosaurie. Amusing himself, as you can see.

STAY TUNED. (I’ll leave the panda concept to next time, promise)

